Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 page!

Here you can find information on what your child is learning in school and how you can help your child learn. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us either at the end of the school day or via the school office.


            Miss F Patel                         Miss S Chahal

Key Information

PE days: Tuesday & Wednesday - PE kit consists of plain blue/black shorts or jogging bottoms, a plain white t-shirt, plain blue/black jumper and black trainers.

Homework: Handed out on Thursday and due to be handed in on Tuesday.

Reading: Your child will receive a reading book to be read daily at home matched to their reading level. They also have the opportunity to pick a class library book, this may be a book they choose to read or for you to read with them at home. Please make sure you are updating your child's reading record regularly.

Please send your child into school with a water bottle.

We are a nut free school so please do not send any items that may contain nuts in packed lunches.


If you are interested in how you can support your child's learning further you can visit the school's curriculum pages.

Useful Links

The links below will take you to useful websites that will support your child's learning.

Times Tables Rockstars

BBC Bitesize Primary